Election 2024


Elections 28 Feb – 28 Mar 2024 

Results presented by Roberta Mineo, Election Manager 

Dear Individual and Affiliate IAGP Members, 

The last election is now concluded, and hereby I announce its results. 

207 voters out of all 369 eligible voted in this ballot, with a total turnout of 56.1% (slightly  below the 2022 elections turnout, 61.8%): the results of this vote are valid and certified by  Simply Voting. 


Both Section Chairs are elected: Konstantinos Liolios (Greece) becomes Chair of the Analytic  Group Section, and Carlos Raimundo (Australia) Chair of the Family Therapy Section. Both  were already enthusiastically serving as Interim chairs, appointed by the Board. Here is how  the IAGP membership voted:  

Do you vote for Konstantinos Liolios (Greece) for Chair of the Analytic Group Section? Yes 190 (91.8%) 

No 4 (1.9%) 

Abstain 13 (6.3%) 

Do you vote for Carlos A. Raimundo (Australia) for Chair of the Family Therapy Section? Yes 179 (86.5%) 

No 3 (1.4%) 

Abstain 25 (12.1%) 


Out of the four candidates who ran for General Board Member, the two who received the most  votes in the highest ranking are elected. Specifically, Adrian Hofstede (The Netherlands), Chair  of the Webinar Committee, and Li Shiu Chou (Taiwan) will both sit on the Board. Here is how  it went for each of the candidates1

Please rank all the candidates for General Board Member 

Adrian Hofstede (The Netherlands) 613 points 

Li Shiu Chou (Taiwan) 513 points 

Andrew Eig (USA) 481 points 

Zahed Abdolah (Iran) 463 points 

1 (to understand the conversion from votes to points, please read the paragraph “Borda Count” at help.simplyvoting.com/docs/preferential-counting-methods)


The Chair of the Ethics and Professional Standards Committee, Judith Teszary (Sweden) is  elected. Being the only female candidate in this ballot, she has already faced and successfully  resolved some delicate issues that were hanging over this election, serving as Interim Chair in  the same committee. Here is how the IAGP membership voted:  

Do you vote for Judith Teszary (Sweden) for Chair of the Ethics and Professional Standards Committee? 

Yes 184 (88.9%) 

No 4 (1.9%) 

Abstain 19 (9.2%) 

All elected officers take office as this announcement is delivered to your inbox, and will serve  until the end of the current Administration in 2025.  

Success to the new Officers: they all serve for the first time in the IAGP Governance, showing  that our professional association is lively and dynamic.  

Ekitai Rashku, stay liquid 

Roberta Mineo, PhD 

Chair of the Governance and Bylaws Committee and Election Manager 

[email protected] 

Welcome to governance election 2024.

In a few weeks we shall be called to elect five new members of the Governance of our professional association. Specifically, we shall choose the new Chair of the Family Therapy Section and the new Chair of the Analytic Group Section (which have been run in the past months by Interim Chairs appointed by the Board), two new General Board Members (after some officers resigned in the past year) and the new Chair of the Ethics and Professional Standards Committee.
This is a great chance to take an active role in the institution that has been nurturing us with webinars, training opportunities, congresses, supervision groups for colleagues in distress and more: It is about deciding who our leaders should be in the next year or so. In fact, the elected officers who will all sit on the current Board, except for the Ethics Chair (who needs to maintain a ‘super partes’ role), will remain until the end of this Administration, in 2025, when new elections will be held to renew the entire governance.


No ‘voting silence’ is imposed during the course of the vote and we invite you to get in contact directly with the candidates or write on the IAGP’s Exchange List to discuss their visions of their role in the IAGP governance. 

Link to candidate profiles

Eligibility to vote

All members of IAGP who have paid the required membership fee can vote. If you have not yet renewed your membership please do so now. If you know of anyone who would like to become an IAGP member, there is still time for them to join and vote. You need to be in order with payment of your fee to participate in the democratic ritual of electing the leaders who will set the path and the pace of the immediate future for IAGP. Don’t forget to contact [email protected], should you need any assistance in renewing your fee.


Copies of announcements made by the election team are listed here. 

Announcement 1. February 2

Announcement 2, February 16

Election key dates

Election opens: 28th February, 2024, 10 p.m. CET

Final date to register: 21st March, 10 p.m. CET

Election closes: 31st March, 2024, 10 p.m.  CET

Results announced: 3rd April, 2024

Frequently asked questions

A summary of frequently asked questions is available here


Analia Ladisa, Election administrator, [email protected]