WEBINAR: Practical Tools for Dealing with Parenting Conflict in Family Therapy and Leadership

Practical Tools for Dealing with Parenting Conflict in Family Therapy and Leadership

One of the major points of conflict in parenting, echoed in leadership (as parenting can be considered one of the most complex and challenging leadership tasks in life), is the different perceptions two or more people could have about the same situation. Alternatively, one person may perceive it differently based on their emotions at a given time..

The webinar, based on a case study, will explain a neuroscience perspective about individual perception and the creation of a “sense of knowing,” as well as two ways of looking at the case study to effectively deal with this conundrum:
1. An experiential perspective based on psychodrama principles and the Play of Life.
2. A psychoanalytic approach.
Participants will have the opportunity to contribute with comments, questions.

Registration link:

Dr. Carlos A Raimundo, Chair of the IAGP Family Section is a catalyst for transformation and change. Through his insightful and effective tools people discover their true selves, who they are meant to be, and he helps them to resolve, restore, and heal what they have become due to negative experiences, pain, trauma, and cultural influences. This process builds possibilities, resilience, and effectiveness. The result is a life of satisfaction and happiness for themselves and their relationships, which in turn affects those around them and humanity as a whole.