NEXT IAGP WEBINAR: Psychotherapeutic Techniques for Working with Neurodivergent Clients

NEXT IAGP WEBINAR: Psychotherapeutic Techniques for Working with Neurodivergent Clients by Alona Seidel

The webinar explores innovative approaches in psychotherapy tailored for neurodivergent clients. The content delves into the neuroscientific underpinnings of neurodivergence, debunking common neuromyths and presenting neurofacts that inform therapeutic practices. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique physiological, neurological, and cognitive characteristics of neurodivergent clients, with the examples of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) and adapting psychotherapeutic interventions accordingly.

Central to the workshop is the critique of traditional models that pathologize neurodivergence, advocating instead for a nuanced appreciation of neurodiversity that recognizes the strengths and challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals. The webinar discusses specific behaviors, sensory sensitivities, and cognitive patterns characteristic of neurodivergence, proposing psychodrama and other techniques as effective tools for addressing the unique needs of these clients.

This WEBINAR is ideal for psychotherapists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals seeking to enhance their competency in working with neurodivergent clients. It is also relevant for educators, caregivers, and individuals interested in the intersection of psychotherapy and neurodiversity.

Presented by Alona Seidel – Licensed Psychologist (Israel) & Certified Psychodrama-therapist (Germany) with 20 years of experience working with the neurodivergent community.
So, join us!

Next Friday 14th of June 4 to 6 PM CEST-