Dear friends of IAGP.

As we are facing a new year, it is essential to reflect on the challenges and trials that marked the canvas of 2023. The brutal war in Ukraine is still going on. Conflicts and unrest predominate many other parts of the world.  We are now witnessing the terrible Israeli/Gaza war. Our thoughts and mind go to our Israeli and Palestinian friends and colleagues.

The specter of environmental challenges cast long shadows over 2023. Climate change continued to accelerate, leading to more frequent and severe weather events. From devastating hurricanes to raging wildfires, communities around the world faced the immediate consequences of environmental degradation. Earthquakes killed thousands of people.

An important purpose of IAGP is to provide support and help for those in need.  With the help of our Trauma and Disaster Task Force and Section, many of our members have done a tremendous work trying to provide healing to those affected.

Though it may seem overwhelming and futile when political leaders and governments seem more preoccupied with war than providing a better life for their people, we should never give up our belief in diplomacy and dialogue. Social justice, human rights and equality must remain at the forefront of our collective agenda.

On the positive side in 2023, IAGP celebrated its successful 50 years anniversary in Zurich, Switzerland in June, and in November the Fifth IAGP Mediterranean Regional Trauma and Disaster Conference was organized in Antalya, Turkey. In this edition of Globeletter we are pleased to present several papers about the conference.

In May 2024 we are welcoming the IAGP 7th Regional Conference in Africa, in Tunisia. We hope to see many of you there.

As we welcome the new year 2024, let us carry forward the lessons of resilience, empathy and cooperation, and let us work together for a more sustainable, just and hopefully more peaceful world.

Thor Kristian Island
Editor of Globeletter