Dear CAOA Fellow Representatives of our Affiliate Organizations,

It is an honor for me to extend a warm welcome to the organizations that have recently joined our Assembly, namely Department of Psychodrama of the Sedes Sapientiae Institute (DPSedes), Brazil; Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture, Palestine; Institute of Group Analysis S.H.Foulkes, Greece; The International Association for Experimental Gestalt Therapy, Ukraine; Asociación Uruguaya de Psicoanálisis de las Configuraciones Vinculares, Uruguay; Istanbul Jungian Psychodrama/Sociodrama & Group Processes Research Institute (IJUNGI), Türkiye; Laboratory for the study of human relations, Greece; Hellenic Organisation for Psychotherapy & Education in Group Analysis, Greece, Instituto Intercambio, Peru.

Your presence within our Assembly of 44 organizations enriches our collaborative spirit, contributing to the growth of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP).

I take this moment to express my deep appreciation for the dedication of all CAOA chairs over the decades, including our current chair, Magdalene Jeyarathnam, whose leadership has been instrumental in guiding our collective developments.

Today, we stand united as an Assembly of 44 organizations from across the globe. The challenges of tomorrow call for innovative solutions and fresh perspectives, and it is our collective responsibility to explore avenues that will shape the trajectory of IAGP for the next half century. I hope we embark on the second half century of IAGP with renewed creativity and a commitment to take every opportunity to recreate our mission. Our vision is clear—to be an organization that contributes to making the world a better place for all those who apply group interventions for therapy and within organizations. Together, let us generate hope, co-create transformational tools, and work towards a better and more peaceful world.

Thank you for your dedication.

I wish you all a Happy 2024!

Warm regards,
Heloisa Fleury, IAGP President