We started to have Zoommeeting activities for exchange of experience in the time of difficulties of collective trauma of corona matrix with Chinese Colleagues from Wuhan first and now we are looking forward continuing second important Zoommeeting for exchange of experience in the Middle East Region.

I would like to thank to all of participants/professionals accepting to stand together against the collective trauma of corona virus pandemia and joining IAGP Trauma and Disaster Exchange of Experience in The Middle East Zoommeeting activity in difficult times of the world! Regional exchange of experience in difficult times for collective trauma of corona matrix, IAGP trauma and disaster zoommeeting is prepared via following the migration flyways map of the birds!

It will be the first, unique and appreciated great work for exchange of experience in the middle east about our professional trauma focused psychotherapy, group processes to create sharing of experience, self care for each other and collective resiliency together. We need to hear each other and to learn from each other to overcome the consequences of this pandemia and its collective trauma in communities all around the world.

Zoommeeting will take place on Sunday, 7th of June,

18:00-20:30 pm (İstanbul, Van,Tel Aviv, Baghdad, Amman, Silêmanî, Damascus, Beirut, Qamişlo time)

17:00-19:30 (Cairo/CET/Berlin/Copenhagen time)

12:00-14:30 pm (Buones Aires time)

11:00-13:30 (New York time)

Structure of Zoommeeting will be exchange of experiences about corona virus pandemia and its collective trauma in the region and experiences, organisations how do people work with that trauma, what do professionals do in their practices, any target groups do they work (families, children, health workers, elders etc), difficulties in their work, any collaboration they need, any professional requirements, what is the condition of their communities with that covid-19 etc. They will bring us short power point presentations or photos about their experiences.

I invite you all to join Regional Exchange of Experience of Zoommeeting in The Middle East (next will be in another region) and support the idea of Togetherness against Collective Trauma of Corona Matrix.


Caner Bingöl / Eva Fahlström Borg

Domenico Agresta is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: “Regional Exchange of Experience in the Middle East during the time of collective trauma of corona matrix”

Time: Jun 7, 2020 05:00 PM Rome

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 869 0371 1848

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Meeting ID: 869 0371 1848

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