This webinar, which is of great importance, will give an overview of the engagement of IAGP in Africa from the past to the present moment. The related process describes a way of hope; it shows how it is possible to struggle but, in the end, succeed in opening new horizons. It is based on the continuous attempt to define common ground and acknowledge and transform, sometimes even destructive differences – if possible. Especially important is a culturally sensitive approach that respects not only the other but also considers relevant collective traumata, namely colonisation. It will demonstrate the use of conferences, educational programs, and the ongoing exchange between colleagues to comply with the mission of IAGP and establish a fruitful dialogue enhancing knowledge, skills, and a profound understanding of cooperation with specific regions of our field. It will offer an insight into the program and the region of the upcoming conference in Tunisia. Thus, we can reflect and evaluate the benefits and sometimes painful restrictions of our journey together.
By the end of the webinar, participants will:
1. Learn about ways to open new horizons
2. Identify ways of developing and practising cultural sensitivity
3. Gain insight into the program and the region of the conference in Tunisia
4. Be able to acknowledge the benefits as well as the restrictions of our approach
Presenters for the webinar are:-Mona Rakhawy, Co-chair Educational Committee IAGP-Assie Gildenhuis, Ex BoD member IAGP-Jorge Burmeister, Ex-President IAGP, Consultant Regional Congress Tunisia-Cristina Martinez Taboada, IAGP Vice President, Consultant Regional Congress Tunisia-Maurizio Gasseau, Co-chair Educational Committee, Consultant Regional Congress Tunisia-Eva Fahlströhm Borg, Ex BoD member, Consultant Regional Congress Tunisia.