Webinar (PREMIUM) 2021_17_04: What goes on between perpetrators, victims and bystanders in Large Groups (G. Wilke, E. Hopper)


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Purpose of the webinar:
One of the grand old men of large group phenomenon, Gerhard Wilke will reflect on the specific features of contemporary large groups, in a conversation with Earl Hopper connecting it to the theory and understanding of the social unconscious. This is an important way for the members of the IAGP to reflect on what is going on in the world today, in terms of large group experiences.

About the webinar
“Over many years I have observed how empathic for all life stories and fates group therapist can be in the small group. When they cross the boundary into a Large Group, they lose their professionalism, their deep empathy and the capacity to play. Instead, sub-groups form in a free associate group, which then compete for the perpetrator, victim and bystander position. The “us and them” dynamics results in some sub-groups feeling entitled and superior and others put on the mantle of shame and repentance. What gets lost is an open exchange and the capacity to see things from another point of view.

These dynamics are also dominant in public dialogue in many of our countries and institutions. I would like to offer some thought about these phenomena and offer a space to talk about these issues in a curious and open way.

General Info
The AGS Iagp Section in collaboration with the Webinar Committee organize a new Webinar for Members and NON-Members.
Gerhard Wilke”


Earl Hopper: PhD, is a psychoanalyst, group analyst, certified group therapist, and organisational consultant in private practice in London. A distinguished fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, an honorary member of the Group Analytic Society International, and an honorary member of the Institute of Group Analysis, he is a supervisor and training analyst for many psychotherapy associations in England.  He is a former president of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP), and a former chairman of the Association of Independent Psychoanalysts of the British Psychoanalytical Society.  The author and editor of many books and articles in psychoanalysis, group analysis, and sociology, he is the Editor of the New International Library of Group Analysis.

Gerhard Wilke: worked for many years as an Associate of Ashridge Business School. His consultancy work with client organisations is rooted in practical anthropological inquiry and in group analysis. Gerhard is a member of the Institute of Group Analysis, London; the Group Analytic Society International and he is a Fellow of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy. He is a group training analyst and member of the German Association for Group Therapist, D3G.

Carla Penna: Ph.D is psychoanalyst and group analyst in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Co-chair of the Analytic Group Section of IAGP. She is a member of the Management Committee of the Group Analytic Society International. Former president of the Brazilian Group Psychotherapy Association and SPAG E. Rio.  She published the book Inconsciente Social in Portuguese in 2014 and is publishing in NILGA, by Routledge,  The Crowd: Reflections from psychoanalysis and group analysis.

Anne Lindhardt: Psychiatrist and trained group analyst. Chair of the Analytic  Group Section of IAGP.  Chair person of Institute of Group Analysis Copenhagen. Former member of Management Comittee of GASi. Former director of Mental Services in Copenhagen. Have conducted workshop in GA  internationalley and taught training programmes in Beijing China and Ramallh, Palestine.
