The FORUM Editorial Committee is happy to announce that the deadline of papers for FORUM 10 (to be published on July, 2022) is extended to DECEMBER 31. This extension includes FOYT new members.

In addition to regular papers (Scientific Research, Case Study) (3,000 words to 5,000 words), Special Focus on “Tools of Change during/after COVID-19” (2,000 words to 3,000 words) will be welcome!

Manuscripts can be submitted either in English or Spanish.

*Please note that the first author should be an IAGP member and that all the papers will be peer-reviewed (except Invited Articles). In addition, proofreading by native speaker is essential. Otherwise, we cannot start the peer-review process.

You can find the “Instructors for Authors”, in both ENGLISH AND SPANISH, in the last Forum journal n.9 that you can download from

We sincerely look forward to your contribution!