IAGP regional Congress

IAGP conferences recognize the world divided into five regions, namely, Africa, Asia, Europe, America and Pacific. Regional conferences partner with a local organization in a region, who hosts the conference. These occur on a regular basis, usually one or twice a year.

The following IAGP regional congresses provide excellent opportunities of knowledge exchange and professional  networking.

IAGP 2nd Regional Latin – American Congress . 24th FEBRAP Congress
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 11th – 14th September 2024.

Local Organizer: FEBRAP Brazilian federation of Psychodrama
President of  FEBRAP: Andrea Claudia de Souza
Chair Scientific Committee: Valeria Brito
IAGP representative: Adriana Piterbarg
Languages: Portuguese / English & open to Spanish language contributions

Here comes the 24th Brazilian Psychodrama Congress and the 2nd Latin American regional IAGP Congress! From September 11th to 14th, 2024, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. We will have many conversations, experiences and round tables filled with the Minas Gerais flavor, in person and virtually.

Registration update: In-person registration has now closed. Registration for attending online is available on the website: www.cbpfebrap.febrap.org.br

The official languages of the Congress will be English and Portuguese, but it will also be possible to make presentations in Spanish.

It will take place at the Pontificia Universidade Católica – PUC, in Minas Gerais and will be carried out with the joint work of FEBRAP – Brazilian Federation of Psychodrama and the IAGP. This Congress has two Presidents working together: Graça Campos for the General Coordination and the on site modality, and Ana Caldeira in charge of the online modality. At this moment there is a company, Wise Brading Center, which is taking care of the visual identity of the Congress, designing the corresponding logos.

We are working very energetically with the colleagues who make up the Scientific Commission: Valeria Brito, Ana Claudia Eutrópio, Debora Melo, Erico Vieira y Margareth Calmon. Our base of proposals is to carry out a scientifically inclusive congress, favoring the representativeness of minority groups, promoting multiplicity and the quality of creativity in scientific productions. Our purpose is to propose activities that facilitate diversity and exchange between psychodramatists and IAGP members, fostering dialogue with the microcultures of Minas Gerais and the university community.

We would be very happy if many members of the IAGP could participate. Surely you will receive more information as we continue working. We are waiting for you in this Congress that will have interesting experiences framed within the recognized Brazilian joy.

Cristina Martinez Taboada
Adriana Piterbarg


The Ali Nawara Memorial Funds has been created by the Board of directors of IAGP to honor his name. Ali graduated from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. He was always in support and help for all groups he worked with. He added fun, energy, and compassion to all he was involved with. Believing in simplicity and the ability to share ground were his signature style.

The fund will be ongoing and dedicated to scholarships to students and young professionals from everywhere, helping them to attend our conferences and the tri-annual Congresses.

The criteria for application for this grant are:

-Applicants should be willing to do a project in their country (presentation, workshop, webinar or group work) and deliver in their country what they receive from the IAGP conference.

-After receiving all the applications, an IAGP representative will be designated to lead a meeting with all the applicants to give information and to answer the questions. After the meeting, applicants are expected to send their projects. When the scholars have been chosen, there will be meetings during the conference and after the conference about their projects.

-A mentor from IAGP will supervise scholarship recipients about how to create their project and do presentations.



Groups and Global Crises: Challenges for People, Organizations, and Societies
Sapporo, Japan.  August 20 to 23rd, 2025

Co-Chairs of the Scientific Program Committee: Dr. Kaoru Nishimura and Dr. Roberta Mineo

We are pleased to announce the dates for the 22nd International Congress of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP), which will be held in Sapporo, Japan. Please mark your calendars for this remarkable event, taking place from August 20 to August 23, 2025.

The IAGP International Congress is a platform for professionals, experts, and enthusiasts from around the world to gather, share knowledge, and foster collaboration within the field of group psychotherapy and group processes. The Congress offers a unique opportunity for networking, learning, and expanding horizons in our dynamic field.

Key Details:

We are in the early planning stages, and further details about the Congress, including the theme, call for presentations, and registration information, will be provided in due course. We encourage you to stay tuned for updates and consider submitting proposals for presentations, workshops, and panels that showcase your expertise and contributions to the field.

Your presence and participation will be invaluable in making the 22nd IAGP International Congress a resounding success. We look forward to your active involvement and meaningful contributions to this international gathering of group workers.

Should you have any questions, suggestions, or need additional information in the coming months, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the IAGP and the field of group psychotherapy and group processes. It will be a pleasure to welcome you to Sapporo, Japan, in August 2025.

Warm regards,

Heloisa Fleury, IAGP President, on behalf of the IAGP Congress Organizing Committee


  • 1st Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held on the initiative of J. L. Moreno in Toronto, Canada, August 12-20, 1954, in association with the Fifth International Congress of Health.
  • 2nd International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held in Zurich, Switzerland, August 29-31, 1957, just after the International Congress of Psychotherapy, which had also been held in Zurich.
  • 3rd International Congress of Group Psychotherapy took place in Milan, Italy, July 18-21, 1963.
  • 4th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy took place in Vienna, Austria, September 16-21, 1968.
  • 5th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held in Zurich, Switzerland, August 19-24, 1973.
  • 6th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy in Philadelphia, Pa., USA, July 31 – August 5, 1977.
  • 7th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held August 3–8, 1970, in Copenhagen/Denmark.
  • 8th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held April 22-27, 1984, in Mexico-City/Mexico.
  • 9th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy in Zagreb, August 24th-29th, 1986, Yugoslavia.
  • 1st Pacific Rim Regional congress of IAGP took place in Tokyo, Japan, 1987, October 9-11. The main theme was “Changes in the Individual During Group Psychotherapy.”
  • 10th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands August 27 – Sept. 2, 1989.
  • 2nd Pacific Rim Regional Congress of IAGP took place in Melbourne, Australia, January 11-18, 1991.
  • 11th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held in Montreal, Canada, August 22-28, 1992. The theme was “Love and Hate Toward Resolving Conflict.”
  • 3rd Pacific Rim Regional Congress was held on September 23–28, 1993 on the Republic of China (Taiwan) – Taipei
  • 12th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 27th – September 3rd, 1995. The Congress theme was “Groups at the Doorsteps of the New Century “.
  • 13th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held 23-28 August 1998 in London. The theme was “Annihilation Survival Re-Creation.”
  • 4th Pacific Rim Regional Congress was held September 23rd-25th, 1999, in Tokyo. The Main Theme was “Training and Supervision.”
  • 14th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held in Jerusalem/Israel, August 20-25, 2000. The theme of the Congress was “The Spirit of Groups 2000: From Conflicts to Generative Dialogue.”
  • 5th IAGP Pacific Rim Regional Congress in Melbourne, Australia, January 24th-28th, 2001. The Main Theme was “The Tyranny of Difference.”
  • The IAGP Mediterranean Regional Meeting in Zadar, Croatia, August 29th to September 1st, 2001.
  • 6th Pacific Rim Regional Congress was held March 12th-15th, 2003, in Singapore.
  • 15th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held August 25-29, 2003 in Istanbul, Turkey. The Congress theme was Crossroad of Culture: Where Groups Converge.
  • 2nd Regional Mediterranean Conference, September 1st-5th, 2004, in Athens, Greece. The Congress theme was “Olympism, Group-Transcultural Matrix and Brain Plasticity.”
  • 16th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2006. The Congress Theme was “Groups: Connecting Individuals, Communities and Cultures.”
  • 7th Pacific Rim Regional Congress of Group Psychotherapy was held in Taipei, Taiwan, September 24th-28th, 2005.
  • 3rd Regional Mediterranean Conference, February 28-March 2, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
  • 9th International Summer Academy. 19-23 May 2008 in Granada, Spain. The theme was Mediation and management of Conflicts: The Intercultural Competences of Groups.
  • 8th Pacific Rim Regional Congress for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, October 7-11, 2008, Matsue, Japan.
  • 17th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes in Rome, Italy, August 22-28, 2009.
  • 1st Latin American Regional Congress, 2010
  • 4th Regional Conference of IAGP – Porto 2011
  • 18th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, 2012, Cartagena, Colombia
  • 19th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, 2015
  • 20th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, 2018
  • 5th African Regional Congress in Cairo, Egypt, January 2022.
  • 21st International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, 2022, Pescara, Italy
  • 6th African Regional Congress in Cairo, Egypt, January 2023.
  • 5th Mediterranean Regional Congress for Trauma & Disaster in Antalya, Turkey, November 2 to 5th, 2023.
  • 7th African Regional Congress in Port El Kantaoui, Sousse, Tunisia, May 9 to 11th, 2024.
  • 2nd Latin American Regional Congress in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, September 11 to 14th, 2024.
  • 22nd IAGP International Congress in Sapporo, Japan, August 20 to 23rd, 2025 (venue: Sapporo Convention Center in Hokkaido).
    22nd International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, 2025

In addition, an annual International Summer Academy has been held in Grenada since 1999.


CHAIR: Dr. Cristina Martinez-Taboada 


  • Maurizio Gasseau (Italy) as committee member
  • Mona Rathwy (Egypt) as committee member
  • Marcia Honig (Israel)
  • Simon McLellan (New Zealand)
  • Adriana Piterbarg (Argentina)

Congress advisor: Maite Pi (Spain)

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