Dear IAGP Members,

IAGP has completed a remarkable 50 years, leaving behind a valuable legacy. This significant milestone, encompassing the contributions of J.L. Moreno and others, was celebrated in Zurich, Switzerland, in June of this year under the presidency of our last leader, Heloisa Fleury. As IAGP progresses, we aim to foster a spirit of willingness, hard work, and increased participation both within the field and on the global stage.
Now more than ever, we seek to enhance communication with our members, and numerous initiatives are underway to achieve this goal. I am pleased to announce the addition of new individual and organizational members, marking a step towards expanding our family. The dedicated efforts of our Board Members have been instrumental in this process, and I express my sincere gratitude to each of them.
In my capacity as the Chairman of the 50th Anniversary Celebration Task Force and Communication Task Force, I extend my warmest wishes to all IAGP members for a new year filled with satisfaction. May 2024 usher in a period of hope for all of us.

Kind regards,

Deniz Altınay, Psych.M.A.
Chair of the Communication Task Force
Chair of IAGP 50th Anniversary Celebration Task Force
Board Member of (IAGP).