Call for submissions and abstracts
Come and save your place at the 7th African regional Congress of the IAGP in Tunisia
The Tunisia conference will open its gates to practice our solidarity as professionals and human beings. The encounter of our cultures, languages, and professional expertise will enhance our work in mental health on both individual and community levels, something that we all need at this time. Passing through the painted doors and windows of Tunesia link the energy of one of the oldest cultures of the mediterranean region and the African continent to the present moment we share.
Like for Antalya, Brazil and Japan’s IAGP conferences, we trust the 7th regional congress in Tunisia will become an exceptional meeting to spread humanity and expertise of group psychotherapy and group processes to remedy the pain of our patients, ourselves, and our societies at large. The congress will forward knowledge and skills, but also the connection, warmth and hospitality of Tunisian and IAGP communities beyond borders.
Key topics are:
1.     Generating hope in times of despair – hope in action
2.     Protecting our clients and ourselves: – the practise of self care, self compassion and safe place techniques
3.     Dealing with difficult emotions – how to manage anger, depression, anxiety, guilt or shame individually, in families and in the group
4.     Trauma and beyond – dealing with the traces of  violence, injustice and the lack of dignity individually, in groups and on an collective level
5.     Leadership and team work – how to do institutionally and beyond
6.     Research – evidence based competition for our fieldWe will have online and on site workshops as well as hybrid conferences and round tables!
Come and join us! You are more than welcome!Congress President: Dr. Lofti/Tunesia
IAGP President: Heloisa Fleury/Brazil

Consultants: Prof. Mona Rakhawy/Egypt, Dr Jorge Burmeister-Petulla/Spain & Switzerland, Dr. Cristina Martinez Taboada Kutz/Spain, Eva Fahlströhm Borg/Sweden, Dr. Catharina Mela/Greece, Prof. Maurizio Gasseau/Italy

Deadline: 25th of JANUARY 2024