The MacKays: three different perspectives on a family history case study

During this online ZOOM webinar, Carlos Raimundo presents a Psychodramatic-Sociometric approach to a real-life case history of the MacKay family* .
After that, other panellists, Simon McLellan and Roberta Mineo, will comment from their distinct perspectives (Organisational vs. Groupanalytic) on the same case study, followed by a discussion with the online audience.

Host: Adrian Hofstede (chair of the Webinar Committee)
Date: October 21st 2023
Time: 09.00-11.00 a.m. CET
Registration Link:

Short bios of the panellists
Dr Carlos A. Raimundo is a medical doctor and psychiatrist from Argentina with an MAin business. He founded Active Learning International and is an adjunct Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture at Charles Sturt University. He’s a former lecturer on Relational Psychodynamics and Supervision at JCS and a former lecturer to the AMP Horizon’s. Carlos is the author of Relationship Capital (Prentice Hall, 2002) and the creator of the 3D stimulation technology Play of Life®, which has revolutionised individual and team behavioural transformation. He also developed RCompass, a digital sociometry or relationship mapping tool. Carlos Raimundo is the interim chair of the IAGP Family Therapy Section.

Dr Simon McLellan is a New Zealand-based educator, writer, and musician. He has worked in various educational contexts, including as a teacher, lecturer, and educational consultant. He holds a PhD from the University of Canterbury, where he completed a thesis on the role of universities in promoting social consciousness. He has written and presented extensively on topics related to education, including curriculum development, teacher training, and educational leadership. In addition to his work in education, Dr. McLellan is also a violinist and has performed in various orchestras and ensembles in New Zealand and internationally. He is also involved in various professional organisations related to education and psychology. Simon McLellan is the chair of the IAGP Organisational Consultancy Section.

Dr Roberta Mineo is a tenured academic and senior Research Fellow at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, teaching Psychodynamics of Family Relations, Clinical Psychology, and Group Processes. Since its opening, she has been the Program Chair of the first Industrial PhD in Reggio Childhood Studies, leading all introductory seminars for first-year doctoral candidates. She designed international conferences like Ryla (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) and FLAM (Femininity, Leadership, Authority, Masculinity), is an NGO advisor (like CISS Morocco), and is a researcher at educational institutions (such as Rakhawy Research Center in Cairo). Roberta Mineo is the chair of the IAGP Governance and Bylaws Committee and initiated the FOYT program for young professionals.

The Family Therapy Section aims to provide a platform for practitioners, regardless of their experience level and those interested in the field. It serves as a space for sharing experiences, seeking mutual support, and learning from various approaches such as psychodrama, sociometry, systems models, Jungian, analytical, narrative therapy, and art therapy. It addresses specific topics within families, including addictions, trauma, grief and loss, separation – divorce, displacement, domestic violence, cultural-religious tensions, migration (refugees and exile), self-harm, and family education.

*Names and some details have been changed to protect the identity of those involved in this case study.