The Webinar Committee and the Psychodrama Section of IAGP are announcing two workshops online

1. Beyond words: Transforming the Narrative to Action with Psychodrama 

Date: Sunday, November 8th, 2020

Time: from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (New York Time)


This workshop will demonstrate how psychodrama can be used to enhance practitioners’ work, enliven their sessions with clients and expand their creativity.

Psychodrama is predicated on tenets that from an early age we learn through action as we interact with our caretakers. As adults we also know that “action speaks louder than words.” What we learn through action remains in our memory for a longer time, as it engages more of our senses.

These principles are the central ideas upon which psychodrama is used in supervision. The workshop will provide opportunities to present issues that participants encounter in their own work with individuals, couples, or groups. You will be invited to find solutions or answers to questions you may have, or generally to find ways to develop your ideas and further your work.

Psychodrama techniques will be demonstrated, relevant to the issues at hand. This workshop welcomes participants at all level of knowledge about psychodrama, even if your primary theoretical orientation is other than psychodrama. Differences between working online and in-person will be highlighted.


2. Psychodrama as a Therapeutic and Personal Growth Method

Date: Saturday, November 21st, 2020

Time: from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (New York Time)


This workshop is designed to focus on the main differences between talk therapy and action methods. The main challenge in using psychodrama is by finding ways to transform the narrative into action. Thus, we will look for metaphors, clues and ques form what the protagonist or speaker or client is saying. Then, with their  consent to stage scenes related to the issue which they present. This is a very creative way to deepen the work, allow for fuller expression of emotions and rehearse desired, if underdeveloped, roles.

There are many psychodramatic techniques that we can mobilize in this work, e.g. doubling, role reversal, scene setting, mirroring, empty chair etc. Their uses will be demonstrated in action.

This workshop may be a continuation of the previous one, or stand on its own. It is recommended for participants who practice as therapists (in whatever modality), who may be interested in facilitating personal growth workshops, or simply want to learn more about themselves.

During both workshops there will be a fifteen-minute break. 

These workshops are free for IAGP members.

Fee for non-members: $50.00 or $25 each, payable to IAGP.

Leader of these workshops: Jacob Gershoni, LCSW, CGP. TEP

Jacob Gershoni, LCSW, CGP, TEP is a certified group psychotherapist (CGP) in private practice, and also a Trainer, Practitioner and Educator (TEP), certified by the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy. He is the Co-Director of the Psychodrama Training at the Sociometric Institute in New York. Formerly, a medical social worker at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and a Senior Psychiatric Social Worker at Queens Child Guidance Center, Jacob was also member of the executive council of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP). He has led workshops and presentations in many local and international conferences and institutes. He leads ongoing therapy and training groups and open workshops focusing on personal development, team building and group work in action.

Jacob graduated from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the University of Michigan. Since then he studied at various institutes focusing on individual as well as family and group therapy. In private practice since 1980, Jacob’s approach to therapy is both eclectic and experiential. 

Jacob is the editor of “Psychodrama in the 21st Century: Clinical and Educational Applications” (Springer, 2003) and author of book chapters and articles in various journals. His book chapters and articles have been published in professional journals, as detailed in his website:

Jacob’s email: [email protected]