Psychodrama Section

The Psychodrama Section aspires to cooperate with other IAGP Sections and disseminate information about psychodrama and related areas. Our aim is to serve as an international professional-scientific forum dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and ideas and the advancement of psychodrama, and to organize workshops and presentations at IAGP congresses. We encourage new ideas and the development of new lines of communication. Our aim is to build intercultural bridges.

For further information please reach out to Jacob Gershoni at [email protected]

The Future of Psychodrama on a Global Scale

Heloisa Fleury, IAGP President, delivered the Plenary Speech “The Future of Psychodrama on a Global Scale” at  The ÖAGG, Österreichischer Arbeitskreis für Gruppentherapie und Gruppendynamik, promoted the Psychodrama Around the World Conference, in Vienna.

See the presentation here