The IAGP runs online discussion forums and announcement lists about group psychotherapy and group processes.

People who are not IAGP members may sign up to the IAGP’s non-member announcement list below. However, from 1st August 2017, the IAGP’s Section discussion and announcement lists are now for IAGP members only.
We strongly encourage all eligible subscribers to join the IAGP here.

IAGP Update Announcement List

Brief e-mail updates about the IAGP's 'real life' and virtual activities. NB: Paid-up IAGP members should not subscribe to this list as they will receive all information sent to this list (and more) via the separate IAGP Members' Announcement List.

The list is open to anyone who is interested in hearing about developments in the IAGP as they happen. Paid-up IAGP members should not subscribe to this list as they will receive all information sent to this list (and more) via the new IAGP Members’ Announcement List.

The list is a one-way announcement list and covers topics such as:

  • Updates about IAGP conferences and other events
  • Details about new IAGP lists, Website developments and other online activities
  • News about other IAGP services

To sign up for just the IAGP’s Update Announcement Section List, please contact [email protected]

For further details and with any questions about the IAGP’s Update List, please contact [email protected]


The IAGP's online discussion forum for family therapists.

The Family Therapy Sections aims to extend the opportunity of an exchange of experiences to other regions. The aim of the Section is to share different experiences in research, prevention and intervention with famílies and couples in different countries to be discussed in the Section discussion list. Professionals are invited to write about their experiences and research in various contexts of work all over the world. All members and new members of Family Therapy Section are welcome! It’s intended that the new dynamics given to the Section and the discussion list give visibility to all professionals in the field of Family Therapy.

The Family Therapy Section should be conceived as a large international group of professionals coming from diverse disciplines and different theoretical schools jointly interested in family dynamics and phenomena. Regardless of theoretical background (i.e psycho-analytic, object relations, systemic, cognitive-behavioral, client-centered, etc). From 1st August, 2017, only paid-up IAGP members can subscribe to the list. To join IAGP or renew your IAGP membership please go to

List members can use the forum to discuss topics such as:

    • New developments in Family and/or Couple Therapy including research, training, theory and practice
    • Theory and practice in Family Therapy.
    • Multi-cultural practices of Family Therapy and Couple Therapy within different countries and ethnic groups
    • Information Exchange about Conferences, Training, and offers of courses
    • Other issues of interest to list members who desire feedback

To sign up for the Family Therapy Section Discussion List, please contact [email protected]


The IAGP's online discussion forum for people working in the field of analytic group work.

We are a large group that has the same interest in promoting Analytic Group Therapy. Analytic Group Therapy is a complex of theories and techniques in working with people, and it is our common desire to offer an opportunity for both our clients and trainees to promote to make more progress in their therapy and our Client and education.

Inspired by IAGP spirit of exchanging ideas and experiences, the Section provides a forum for discussions on our shared views and differences in applying an analytic perspective to group work. To promote identification and participation, the section name should reflect our rich diversity and sound more familiar to all. Thus it was proposed to change the name of the section to “Analytic Group Section.”

The forum is open to professionals trained or interested in furthering the practice of analytic group work.  From 1st August, 2017, only paid-up IAGP members can subscribe to the list. To join IAGP or renew your IAGP membership, please go to

List members can use the forum to discuss topics such as:

  • Analytic group setting and clinical process and practice, in different countries, cultures and contexts
  • Problems and conflicts in everyday group analytic practice, especially with difficult patients (e.g. with borderline and other personality disorders)
  • New developments in group analytic research and practice
  • Congresses, meetings, seminars, courses and recent publications on different aspects of analytic group work.
  • To promote dialogue on the issues of “the common ground”

We will continue to promote members’ participation in national, regional and international meetings, congresses, conferences

We will implement section links with local affiliates inviting us for combined meetings or events

Through discussion, promoting dialogue, different activities

To sign up for the Analytic Group Section Discussion List, please contact [email protected]

For further details and with any questions about the IAGP’s Analytic Group Section discussion list, please contact the list leader Alessio Sangiuliano (Italy), [email protected]


List for sharing of announcements (not discussions) in the psychodrama field.

The  Chair of the Organisational Consultancy Section is Simon McLellan, PhD, (New Zealand) :[email protected]

The forum is open to professionals trained or interested in organizational consultancy.  From 1st August, 2017, only paid-up IAGP members can subscribe to the list.

List members can use the forum to discuss topics such as:

  • Organizational consultancy in different countries and cultures
  • New developments in work with organizations. Application of different group techniques: psychodramatic, behavioural, questionnaires, etc. Application of concepts coming from psychotherapy, group analysis, systemic theories etc.
  • Courses and training. Exchange of experiences and training needs. Exchange of articles and documents of interest.
  • Sharing information about related events in this area
  • Problems, conflicts and ethical issues arising in daily practice

To sign up for just the Organizational Consultancy Section Discussion List, please contact [email protected]

For further details and with any questions about the IAGP’s Organizational Consultancy Section discussion list, please contact [email protected]


List for sharing of announcements (not discussions) in the psychodrama field.

The forum is open to all interested professionals. From 1st August, 2017, only paid-up IAGP members can subscribe to the list. To join IAGP or renew your IAGP membership, please go to

Through the list, subscribers can share announcements of:

  • Psychodrama conferences, congresses and gatherings – local, national and international
  • Meetings, events and activities
  • Psychodrama institutes, organizations and member news
  • Books, articles, projects and papers – thereby furthering research and educational projects.

The list has been set up in such a way that only announcements are distributed.

To sign up for just the Worldwide Psychodrama Announcement List, please contact [email protected]

For further details and with any questions about the Worldwide Psychodrama Announcement List, please contact the Psychodrama Section Chair, Jacob Gershoni, (US): [email protected] 


In addition, the Psychodrama Section now runs a discussion list.

The forum is open to all interested professionals.  From 1st August, 2017, only paid-up IAGP members can subscribe to the list.

List members can use the forum to discuss topics such as:

  • Psychodrama  in different countries and cultures
  • New developments in psychodrama research and practice
  • Courses and training in different aspects of psychodrama

To sign up for the Psychodrama Section Discussion List, please contact [email protected] .

For further details and with any questions about the Psychodrama Section Discussion  List, please contact the Psychodrama Section Chair, Jacob Gershoni (US): [email protected]


Online discussion forum for transcultural issues in group work.

After sharing very interesting topics related to intercultural work, trauma, language of silence and others, below are some suggested topics as a proposal to be discussed through the transcultural list. Your ideas will also be welcome!!

Here there are the Transcultural Section last activities and near future plans:

1. In the period of April 2018 until Malmo’s Conference on August 2018 (transitional period of the Chairs)

1-a-Design and creation of the Art Corner (Art Container) which took place the whole time of the conference.
1-b-Transcultural Forum Symposium presented at the Conference.

2. August 2018-til now

2-a- Using the E-mail Forum, weekly, to Exchange personal experiences of Transcultural events and group work around the world.

2-b- Art Integration at the Forum: participants are encouraged to share MORE Poems, pictures and songs from different cultures.

2-c- First steps to initiate a Webinar on LGBT topics.

2-d- Transcultural Presentation of the Granada Academy at Thessaloniki IAGP Research Conference, directed by the past IAGP president Jorge Burmeister.

3. Plans for the Future

3-a- Development of the LGBT Webinar , co-working with the Webinar Committee.

3-b- Editing the TRANSCULTURAL IAGP Book- “Migration Times: Working with Cultural Diversity in Group Therapy around the World.” The book will contain case-studies, insights and suggestions for group psychotherapy from all over the world.

3-c- Inter-vision of small groups, by Zoom, on Transcultural topics.

 Marcia Honig, PsyD. in Group Therapy
List Leader

Psychotherapist, Art Therapist and Integrative Counselor. Chair of the Transcultural Section at the IAGP; Director of the M.A. Program in Art Therapy at Seminar Ha Kibutzim College; Coordinator of the Psychotherapy Unit at MELEL Center (Tel-Aviv); works as Group and Individuals Psychotherapist at her private practice.

From 1st August, 2017, only paid-up IAGP members can subscribe to the list. To join renew or reactivate your IAGP membership, please go to

List members can use the forum to discuss topics such as:

  • Transcultural issues emerging in the course of the IAGP’s work
  • New developments in the theory and practice of transcultural work with groups
  • Issues encountered by members in their group-work with people from different backgrounds, cultures, religions and languages.
  • Courses and training in different aspects of transcultural group work

To sign up for just the Transcultural Section Discussion List, please contact [email protected]

For further details and with any questions about the IAGP’s Transcultural Section discussion list, please contact the Transcultural Section Chair and Transcultural Section Discussion List Leader -Marcia Honig (Israel): [email protected]


We are a group who believes in the importance of young generations and wants to grow with the new ideas of the young professionals. There are different theories and approaches in psychotherapy area, and we want to create a space in which young people can learn from each other and from the more experienced professionals about different approaches and techniques. We support any kind of scientific contribution of young professionals and we are open to collaborate with them in different projects.

The forum is open to all professionals (young and experienced professionals) who want to share, communicate, and exchange ideas about psychotherapy, psychodrama, group analysis, family therapy and organizational consultancy.

From 1st August 2017, only paid-up IAGP members can subscribe to the list. To join IAGP or renew your IAGP membership, please go to

List members can use the forum to discuss topics such as:
-Research articles and case studies
-Information about conferences, webinars and trainings related to different approaches
-New developments in group and individual psychotherapies
-Experiences in different cultures that might create a reflective process in the list
-Questions, success, and difficulties related to work that might be reflected together in the list.

To sign up for the Young Professionals’ Section Discussion List, please contact [email protected]

For further information please contact the new Young Professionals Section Chair, Nilufer Demirhan (Turkey): [email protected]


The IAGP's online general discussion forum for people working in the fields of group psychotherapy and group processes. Esta lista perteneciente al Foro On Line de la IAGP está dirigida a profesionales que trabajen en el campo de la Psicoterapia de Grupo y Procesos Grupales. Esta lista, pertencente ao Fórum On Line da IAGP, destina-se aos profissionais que trabalham no domínio da Psicoterapia de Grupo e dos Processos de Grupo.

Maria Antonieta Pezo, coordinador
PPôs doutoranda, no Instituto de Psicologia da USP. Doutora e Mestre em Psicologia Social pelo Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Pesquisadora do Laboratório de Psicanalise, Sociedade e Política, participa do Grupo Veredas: Psicanalise e Migração. Atende no consultório desde 1976, crianças adultos, casais e famílias e em consultas terapêuticas imigrantes no Centro de Integração do Migrante no bairro do Brás em São Paulo. Estuda os processos psíquicos singulares e plurais em contextos vinculares: instituições, grupos, casais e família. Processos grupais concebidos como produções únicas que surgem do entrelaçamento e encontro de conteúdos singulares, intrapsíquicos, intersubjetivos e pluridiscursivos que evidenciam a particularidade do encontro com o outro (s). Docente desde 2015, no Projeto Rede Sampa Saúde Mental Paulistana da equipe Infância e Adolescência. Convidada pelo Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica da Universidade da Republica do Uruguai (2016 e 2017); na cátedra de Infância e adolescência na Universidade de Buenos Aires (UBA, 2012-2015). Nas cidades de Montevideo, Santiago, Lima, Porto Alegre e Arequipa ditou conferencias e cursos sobre trabalho com grupos, alianças inconscientes, vinculo fraterno, legado winnicotiano, processos associativos. Membro do Comitê Consultivo do Programa de formação de pôs- graduação em “Processos grupais, inconsciente e sociedade” do Instituto Intercambio na cidade de Lima. Atua como analista institucional, atende equipes que estão em processo de cuidado, busca de metas, resolução de conflitos. Supervisora clínico-institucional em diversos dispositivos da saúde mental, e em vários municípios desde a década de 80. Publicou capítulos em livros, artigos em revistas: das sociedades de Psicanalise de São Paulo – Jornal de Psicanalise Vol 48 – Nº 88, Porto Alegre V. 15, n. 2, 2013 no Brasil e de Lima-Peru, nas revistas: Mojamt/Mojamt (2018) em Estados Unidos,. Transformações (USP); Estudos de religião (Universidade Metodista); Percurso; Transiciones (Lima Peru). Em revistas eletrônicas: “Psicoanálisis & Intersubjetividad”, Fort Da, Pai legal, em defesa do trabalhador, Área 3 (Espanha). Os temas pesquisados são: grupos e instituições, grupos com crianças, diagnostico e acolhimento de pacientes em grupo, o vínculo fraterno, estudos comparativos do desenho de grupo e de família. Os efeitos da contratransferência no trabalho institucional. Aprofunda nos aportes de autores como R. Kaës, Roussillon, Brun e Winnicott.

Maria Antonieta Pezo, coordinadora
Estudiante de postdoctorado en el Instituto de Psicología de la USP. Doctora y Master en Psicología Social por el Instituto de Psicología de la Universidad de São Paulo. Es investigadora del Laboratorio de Psicoanálisis, Sociedad y Política y participa del Grupo Veredas: Psicoanálisis y Migración. Atiende a niños, adultos, parejas y familias en su consulta desde 1976, así como a inmigrantes en consultas terapéuticas en el Centro de Integración de Migrantes del barrio de Brás, en São Paulo. Estudia procesos psíquicos singulares y plurales en contextos vinculares: instituciones, grupos, parejas y familias. Procesos grupales concebidos como producciones singulares que surgen del entrecruzamiento y encuentro de contenidos singulares, intrapsíquicos, intersubjetivos y multidiscursivos que resaltan la particularidad del encuentro con el/los otro/s. Docente desde 2015 en el Proyecto Sampa Red de Salud Mental en el equipo de Infancia y Adolescencia. Invitada por la Maestría en Psicología Clínica de la Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay (2016 y 2017); en la Cátedra de Niñez y Adolescencia de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA, 2012-2015). En las ciudades de Montevideo, Santiago, Lima, Porto Alegre y Arequipa ha dictado conferencias y cursos sobre trabajo con grupos, alianzas inconscientes, vínculos fraternos, legado winnicot y procesos asociativos. Es miembro del Comité Asesor del programa de formación de postgrado en “Procesos grupales, inconsciente y sociedad” del Instituto Intercambio de Lima. Trabaja como analista institucional, asistiendo a equipos en proceso de atención, búsqueda de metas y resolución de conflictos. Ha sido supervisora clínico-institucional en diversos centros de salud mental y municipalidades desde la década de los 80. Ha publicado capítulos en libros, artículos en revistas: de las Sociedades Paulistas de Psicoanálisis – Jornal de Psicanalise Vol 48 – Nº 88, Porto Alegre V. 15, n. 2, 2013 en Brasil y Lima-Perú, en las revistas: Mojamt/Mojamt (2018) en los Estados Unidos,. Transformações (USP); Estudos de religião (Universidade Metodista); Percurso; Transiciones (Lima Perú). En revistas electrónicas: “Psicoanálisis & Intersubjetividad”, Fort Da, Pai legal, en defensa de los trabajadores, Área 3 (España). Temas de investigación: grupos e instituciones, grupos con niños, diagnóstico y acogida de pacientes en grupos, el vínculo fraterno, estudios comparativos de diseño grupal y familiar. Los efectos de la contratransferencia en el trabajo institucional. Se profundiza en las aportaciones de autores como R. Kaës, Roussillon, Brun y Winnicott.

Madrid, Miedo al Ebola – Gregorio Armañanzas Ros Psicosociodrama de la Envidia: ¡El que pueda que tire la primera piedra! – Rosa Cukier Retramatizacao: Um Metodo de Pesiquisa de Papeis em Mudanca – Marcia Almeida Batista Suicido Barakaldo – Gregorio Armañanzas Ros ¿Envidia sana o Admiración? – Borja Milans del Bosch

El foro esta abierto a profesionales de todo el mundo – socios de la IAGP – que quieren enriquecer su experiencia, intercambiar y profundizar ideas, en lengua española o portuguesa. A partir del 1 de agosto de 2017, sólo los miembros de la IAGP pueden ser suscritos a la lista. Para unirse o renovar su membresía de la IAGP visite

Recomendamos que todos aquellos que se suscriban al foro, también se hagan socios de la IAGP. Para más información acerca de la suscripción por favor contacta [email protected]


O fórum está aberto a profissionais de todo o mundo – membros da IAGP – que queiram enriquecer a sua experiência, trocar e aprofundar as suas ideias, em espanhol ou português. A partir de 1 de agosto de 2017, apenas os membros da IAGP podem ser inscritos na lista. Para aderir ou renovar a sua adesão à IAGP, visite

Recomendamos que todos os subscritores do fórum se tornem também membros da IAGP. Para mais informações sobre a subscrição, contactar [email protected]

Se puede tratar cualquier tema relacionado con los grupos en sentido amplio: grupos de terapia, equipos, organizaciones, dinámicas sociales, etc.
Algunas áreas a modo de ejemplo:
– Experiencias grupales, talleres, prácticas en diferentes contextos.
– Nuevas aplicaciones técnicas en grupo.
– Problemas clínicos, en empresas y en entornos educativos.
– Nuevos congresos y espacios formativos.
– Reflexiones procedentes de nuestra práctica cotidiana que pueden ser cotejados y enriquecidos
compartiéndolas en este grupo online.
– Compartir documentación y artículos que enriquezcan nuestra formación.
– Búsqueda de colegas interesados en el mismo campo. Preparación de presentaciones conjuntas en

Se pode abordar qualquer tema relacionado com grupos, por diferentes perspectivas , linhas de trabalho, espaços de atuação e objetivos profissionais , tais como:
-Relatos e processamentos de experiências grupais ocorridas em diferentes contextos ( psicoterápico, educacional, organizacional, social…)
-Novas aplicações de técnicas e atualizações de conceitos teóricos que instrumentam intervenções com grupos;
-Apresentação de diferentes formas de se gestar o conhecimento em congressos, cursos de formação e outros espaços educativos
-Busca de novos caminhos para ampliar o reconhecimento, divulgação e subsidio de trabalhos com grupo;
-Atualização da concepção de saúde e doença de grupos e de indivíduos em grupos.

La forma de comunicación es libe y se puede realizar por medio de:

– Intercambio de artículos textos e imágenes sobre trabajos
-Debates informales
-Invitaciones y preparaciones a compartir tareas de preparación de trabajos en congresos, publicaciones, intercambio y colaboraciones institucionales, entre otras posibilidades.

A forma de comunicação é livre, podendo se efetivar por meio de:

-Trocas de artigos e documentos no formato de texto, imagem e som sobre trabalhos realizados
-Debates informais
-Convites e preparação para novas parcerias, com meta na realização de trabalhos em congressos , publicação de textos, intercâmbio e parcerias interinstitucionais, entre outras possibilidades

Se ha mandado un artículo titulado “suicidio” en base a la crisis económica en España y los suicidios que ha provocado como consecuencia de los desalojos de viviendas. Te esperamos!

Foi enviado um artigo com o título “suicidio”, com base na crise econômica da Espanha e suas consequências na vida psíquica dos indivíduos. Aguardamos você por lá!

Para suscribirse a la lista de discusión en español/portugues, por favor complete los datos del siguiente formulario. Por favor, asegúrese que los datos de su casilla de e-mail sea la correcta. Si tiene dudas por favor contactar al administradora de la lista, Gregorio Armañanzas Ros, [email protected]
Para se inscrever na lista de discussão inglês/português, preencha o seguinte formulário. Certifique-se de que o seu endereço de correio eletrónico está correto. Se tiver alguma dúvida, contacte o administrador da lista, Gregorio Armañanzas Ros, [email protected]