Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Facing the tragic consequences of the traumatic new era of the Covid19 pandemic, its severe impact on survival, changes in our social life, traumatic alterations on mental health and the emerging social crisis in many countries with financial consequences, researchers from every part of the world will be “on-line” gathered and would like to explore and reflect together, to share their experiences from the pandemic, in the coming IAGP International on line Research Symposium.
We shall try also to approach trauma, stigma,exclusion and social isolation that the fear of the covid19 pandemic provokes. The Symposium will be held from 30 October until1 November 2020, including 3 sessions each day of 90 minutes (each one) and it is addressed to IAGP and
non IAGP members.
Every oral presentation during the sessions, will last 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion/questions.
There will be also announcements and results from studies, protocols and projects, case presentations and statistic data from the exploration of the covid19 pandemic and its traumatic consequences, by all methods and orientations of Group Psychotherapy, various scientific disciplines, results from the intensive and hard work coming from Universities, Hospitals and Organizations from every part of the world.
The aim of the Symposium is to approach the future strategy, to explore every possible combination of psychotherapeutic and psychosocial techniques, the evaluation of biomarkers in combination with group psychotherpay, the application of Neurosciences and Neuroimmunology in Psychotherapy, the use of art in the treatment of trauma etc for the facement of the covid19 pandemic and its dramatic consequences and crisis.
Psychotherapists representing all methods and techniques, medical doctors and medical staff of the front-line, psychologists, social workers as well as experts on Group Dynamics -especially at work- and managers are wamly invited to participate.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the members of the IAGP Research Committee who have responded by their so generous contribution to my invitation but to thank mainly the non-members of IAGP who will participate for the first time at this scientific IAGP event and will join our IAGP scientific Community.
In spite of the difficulties of the covid19 pandemic , hope and new light is already emerged by the participation of more than 25 countries in this IAGP International Research Symposium, which gives space for in depth exploration, democratic discussion, transcultural dialogue and reflection also on the “beyond covid19” era where Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes could intervene.
It would be a pleasure and honor for all of us to join IAGP International on line Research Symposium on covid19 and to join IAGP!
It will be free for IAGP Members. We shall publish soon the registration link and the fees for non-members.
Catherina Mela, MD.
Chair of the IAGP International Research on line Symposium on covid19.
Chair of IAGP Research Committee.
IAGP Vice-President.

Schedule: 1:00 pm to 8:30 pm Rome CET every day (30th October to 1st November)

1:00 – 2:30 pm

3:00 – 4:30 pm

5:00 – 6:30 pm

6:30 – 8:30 pm

Time zone: Rome Central Europe


Free for Members.

  • Band A:
    35 US$ professionals
    20 US$ students
  • Band B:
    30 US$ professionals
    15 US$ students
  • Band C:
    25 US$ professionals
    10 US$ students
  • Band D:
    20 US$ professionals
    5 US$ students

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