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April 1, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm CEST

Friday 1st of April 2022 From 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. CET (Central European Time)
Free of cost!

Workshop for IAGP members and guests.
Under the umbrella of the CAOA and the IAGP education committee and in collaboration with the WEBINAR Committee:


Meeting ID: 886 6070 9389

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Meeting ID: 886 6070 9389

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Due to the huge socio-health crisis that is currently taking place around the globe, we consider it necessary to develop collaborative programs that facilitate the training of mental health professionals from all over the world. Training groups of psychotherapists and psychodramatists in online interventions and psychotherapies has been and remains crucially important to alleviate situations that have caused suffering. The proposed task is based on the integration of concepts and articulation of techniques from different frames of reference in group psychotherapy and psychodrama. Following on from the round table in February, we would like to further explore online group psychotherapies and psychodrama, through a workshop where different experts will lead a practical experience from different theoreticaltechnical perspectives. We will have the welcome of Richard Beck, president of the IAGP and the coordination of Cristina Martínez Taboada for the education committee of the IAGP.

Workshop via Zoom with the participation of Maurizio Gasseau, Jacob Gershoni, Pedro Torres-Godoy, Mariângela P. da F. Wechsler and Raúl Vaimberg. 

Participatory workshop:

We propose to hold an interactive, open, and free videoconference by Zoom to explore new contributions in the field of theory and technique in online interventions in Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. The idea of the workshop is to make a brief introduction of the participants, the coordinators, and the tasks, and then work through breakout rooms in groups of 8 to 20 participants. These groups will be led by experts in different theoreticaltechnical perspectives of interventions and online psychotherapies. After 90 minutes of work, we would meet again in a large group to share the different experiences of the medium-sized groups and debate openly.


3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.  Presentation of the participants and the coordinators.

3:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.Breakout Rooms.Experiential groups work.

With the coordinators: Maurizio Gasseau.Online Psychodrama and Dreams in English. Jacob Gershoni. Online Psychodrama and Sociometry in English. Pedro Torres-Godoy.Online Psychodrama and Dramatherapy in Spanish. Raúl Vaimberg.Online Body Psychodrama in English and Spanish.

4:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Large group. Sharing of the experiences in the medium groups, debate, and conclusions.

With the coordinator Mariângela P. da F. Wechsler (and the coordinators of medium-sized groups).

The coordinators:

Maurizio Gasseau- Associate of Dynamic Psychology at the University of Aosta. Psychologist and member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes IAGP, Gasseau is a Jungian analyst, certified psychotherapist and psychodramatist in Italy, as well as a leader of training groups worldwide. Social skills in psychodrama at Social Dreaming Matrix and working on transgenerational issues. Co-founder of the theory of Jungian Psychodrama in 1978 and founder of Psychodramatic Social Dreaming Matrix in 2006. Co-founder of the Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation of the European Federation of Psychodramatic Training Organizations FEPTO. He received the FEPTO Award of Excellence in 2017.

Jacob Gershoni- LCSW, CGP, TEP is a certified group psychotherapist (CGP) in private practice, and also a Trainer, Practitioner and Educator (TEP), certified by the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy. He is the CoDirector of the Psychodrama Training at the Sociometric Institute in New York. Formerly, a medical social worker at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and a Senior Psychiatric Social Worker at Queens Child Guidance Center, Jacob was also member of the executive council of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP). www.GrouPsychodrama.com /

Pedro Torres-Godoy – Médico cirujano titulado en 1982, por la Universidad de Chile, y como especialista en psiquiatría y salud mental en la Universidad de Chile en 1987, psicoterapeuta sistémico del Instituto Chileno de Terapia Familiar en 1991; psicodramatista, certificado por CEPSY Paris; dramaterapeuta certificado por la Universidad de Chile; autor de doce libros publicados, y una veintena de artículos en revistas internacionales acerca de la articulación entre psicotraumas, psicodrama y dramaterapia; expositor en congresos nacionales e internacionales de psicodrama y dramaterapia en Chile, Sudamerica y Europa; director fundador de EDRAS Chile; pionero de la dramaterapia en Sudamérica a través de la creación y dirección del primer diplomado en esta materia del Departamento de Teatro de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile, desde 2005, realizado por más de 20 años. 

Mariângela Pinto da Fonseca Wechsler – Psicóloga e Doutora em Psicologia Escolar pela Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP); Psicodramatista, Didata e Supervisora referendada pela Federaçăo Brasileira de Psicodrama (FEBRAP) nos focos psicoterápico e socioeducacional; Especialista em Terapia Familiar pela Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP); membro da coordenaçaodo projeto Psicodrama Publico do Centro Cultural Sao Paulo (CCSP) desde 2004; autora de livros, e artigos em revistas especializadas. Psicoterapeuta em consultório particular: atendimento de crianças, casais, famílias e grupos.

Raúl Vaimberg – Psychiatrist. Doctor in Psychology by the University of Barcelona, Psychotherapist, Psychodramatist, Group Psychotherapist. Director of the Master in Groups and Psychodrama by IL3-University of Barcelona. Member of FEAP, SEPTG, AEP, IAGP. Forty years of clinical experience in Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama and in the training of Mental Health professionals. 

After a brief introduction by our president, Richard Beck, and the Chair of the Education Committee, Cristina T. Martinez, you will attend the experiential & psychodramatic segment in one of the four breakout rooms. This segment will last 90 minutes, to be followed by a closure and sharing with the large group, conducted by Mariagnela P. F. Wechsler.

The breakout rooms are given a number, alphabetically according to the presenters’ names, as follows:

Room #1: Maurizio Gasseau, Online Psychodrama and Dreaming Matrix, in English.

Room #2: Jacob Gershoni, Online Sociometry and Psychodrama, in English. 

Room #3: Pedro T. Goddoy, Online Psychodrama and Drama Therapy, in Spanish.

Room #4: Raul Vaimberg, Online Body psychodrama, in Spanish and English.

You do not need to register, but to facilitate a correct assignment to the room of your choice, please write the room number next to your name. If you do not know how to do that, here are the instructions:

–at the top right of your box on Zoom there are 3 dots. Click on them.

–from the drop-down menu, click on Rename

–next to your name write the number of the room that you are choosing.

The four presenters will also add their room number next to their name.

Another important step: on the day of the workshop, Google the time difference between the place where you live and CET (Central European Time) to be sure that you are entering the workshop at the correct time. As if happens in some locations the clock is changing ahead by one hour.


April 1, 2022
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm CEST
Event Category: