Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure and an honor for me to welcome all interested in group psychotherapy and group processes visiting our web presentation.
Groups are the best resource for psychosocial interventions, such as group psychotherapy, support groups, supervision, communitarian work, many modalities of organizational interventions and psychosocial therapy.

IAGP was founded in 1973, half a century now dedicated to congregate professionals from different theoretical approaches, as well as from many countries and cultures. Our diversity is our main richness, but this diversity also brings challenges. Issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion are gaining increasing visibility and strengthening an important global movement to transform the course of history and society.

Based on my experience in South America, group work has developed unique peculiarities based on many influences of local culture and on cross-fertilization processes with other theories. An important motivation to seek the position of IAGP President is to promote exchanges with professionals from all around the world. We can learn new strategies to deal with current demands from society. Our colleagues from Latin America, Africa, and Asia, who are still less represented in the IAGP, can bring their local knowledge for improving the development of group research, theory, and practice.

IAGP has promoted many scientific activities to exchange experiences and recognize different theoretical approaches. In the role of IAGP President, I want to further stimulate the appreciation of new trends in group practices, favoring a broad cross-fertilization among group professionals worldwide.
We are working for more inclusion of non-English speakers, providing translation as much as possible, understanding the complexity of language barriers, as well as widening time zone opportunities.
The next IAGP event will be the 6th IAGP Regional Congress in Africa organized in partnership with the Egyptian Association for Group Therapies and Processes (EAGT). We want to welcome all of you to Egypt at this English-Arabic speaking event on group psychotherapy and group work. The presence of therapists, trainers, supervisors, researchers, and colleagues from different cultural and professional backgrounds will offer a wonderful opportunity to refresh your knowledge, learn new skills, and expand your professional network. For the organizers of this event, the theme “Empowerment and Co-Creation” expresses their determination to co-create human and professional channels that would bring individuals, communities, and the world into a better place.

Next year, IAGP will celebrate 50 years! It is time to update our organization to continue and connect with the world’s current demands. I hope that we can begin the next half-century with renewed creativity for taking all the opportunities for recreating IAGP’s mission – as an organization that makes the world a better place for all human beings using groups for therapy and organizations; to generate hope and to co-create the necessary tools for transformation and peace.

Heloisa Fleury
President, IAGP 2022-2025