Dear colleagues,
The Analytic Group Section of IAGP is very pleased to announce our next Webinar (the 3rd Webinar within 2023) which is going to be offered on Sunday 11.06.2023, Time:16:30-18:00 CEST(Roma time).
The title of the webinar is “The Evolution of Social Dreaming: theory, application, research”.
‘Social Dreaming’ as pioneered by Gordon Lawrence and his colleagues is, put simply, a disciplined practice of sharing and working with dreams within a social space. It is the practice that informs and shapes theory, not the other way around.
Presenters (In alphabetical order):
Domenico Agresta Group Analyst, Founder Member of SDiN (Social Dreaming International Network).

David Armstrong,Associate Consultant at Tavistock Consulting, Founder Member of SDiN (Social Dreaming International Network).

Franca Fubini Formerly Chair of the Gordon Lawrence Foundation, Chair and Founder Member of SDiN (Social Dreaming International Network).
The link for the registration to the Webinar is:
Carla Penna (host), Konstantinos Liolios (co-host) and IAGP Analytic Group Section Coordinating Committee will be very pleased to have a rich, fruitful and mind provoking Webinar.