Reflective Citizens (RC) is a unique method of voluntary group work with citizens in a wide range of environments – easy to apply, transmit, learn to organize & host by any interested citizen– how to create psycho-social reflective spaces with & for citizens from different backgrounds, jointly learning the art-of-listening & art-of-dialoging.

Initiated during war times in grassroots style around peace protests in Belgrade, Serbia; founded in early 2000s by dr. Mojović and dr. Satarić (both psychiatrists, psychotherapists, group analysts, working in therapeutic communities) and developed in shared creativity with citizen participants and colleagues, locally & internationally: RC-workshops as basic building-blocks (RC-branches in parts of Belgrade, other cities, organizations, countries), RC-Training for host-conveners & host-organizers, and Belgrade International RC-Conferences. The long internationalization journey reached further level since pandemic: International RC (IRC) managed by Koinonia-Art Belgrade and held by a community of experienced hosts from many countries ( 11th February planed 8th IRC).

RC-Koinonia (more precise name) relates to culture of dialoguing among psychoanalytic group traditions at the roots (psychoanalysis, group analysis, group relations, therapeutic communities, social dreaming, listening posts, operative groups), among participants, hosts and organizers, among the new RC-branches – community of communities, as well as with other sibling methods of working with citizens.

The webinar will be held, presentations and discussion, by a group of hosts: Marina – introductory, Dale – work in Texas and IRC, Pavle – applied organizations Cultural Shelter & Cultural Shelter-Art, Ilaria – development in Italy, and Carla – her various roles in the field

Audience: all interested group therapists, young professionals in RC Training, psycho-social group work, explorations of social unconscious.

Date: February 24, 2024, 5pm – 7pm CET (2 hours).