Dear Members of the Board of Directors of ASGPP,

Dear Colleagues,

Dear Friends,

Dear Fellow Award Recipients-

Thank you for your kind recognition and acknowledgment of the way that both of our organizations are collaborating beautifully together, by bestowing upon IAGP your very first Executive Council Award.

I am truly honored and humbled to accept this meaningful award on behalf of all of the members of IAGP.
Thank you.

Last year, we were all expecting to be meet in person in Chicago for this ASGPP conference, and for me to accept this award then on behalf of IAGP.
However, the coronavirus pandemic intervened and had other plans, not only for the ASGPP conference, but for the lives of all human beings living on this planet that we all call home.

“Together We Are Better” is a saying that I came up with and use in presentations, lectures and in IAGP events.

This saying is also true about the relationship between our two organizations, both founded by Moreno.

Together, we are better.

Together, we help the lives of human beings all across the United States and all around the world.

Together. we support each other – cooperate and collaborate in meaningful endeavors that help support all of humanity.

Albert Einstein wrote that if you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

As I accept this ASGPP Executive Council Award on behalf of all of the members of IAGP. allow me to simply say, “thank you”.
Thank you for the recognition of the important and meaningful collaboration and mutual respect there is between ASGPP and IAGP!

When organizations cooperate openly with one another, such as how ASGPP and IAGP are doing, humanity benefits.
The lives of all the people that our organizations reach out to and help is exponentially better when we communicate openly and cooperate together.

Together we are better, right?

Together, our organizations can help people around the world and around the USA – simply by modeling what mutual respect and cooperation looks like.,

Together, like a group of musicians in harmony, ASGPP and IAGP are cohesive -and make beautiful music for our members and for all of humanity…
More about that tomorrow in my plenary.

Congratulations to the many honorees who will speak after my brief acceptance speech of this executive council award.

I would like to allow them more time, by ending now, under my time limit.

So, on behalf of everyone in IAGP, allow me to simply and sincerely thank everyone in ASGPP for bestowing this newly created award upon IAGP.

Together, we are better.

Thank you.

Richard Beck

IAGP President