We are very excited to initiate our first Call for Papers for the IAGP Journal FORUM Volume 11 to be published in July 2023.

We are seeking to publish regular articles of “Scientific Papers” and “Case Studies”.

“Instructions for Authors” is so that authors can know the parameters we will be using for this volume.

All the papers are to be sent to Forum Editorial Committee ([email protected]) .
The due date for submission is November 20, 2022.

Please note that the first author should be an IAGP member and that all the papers will be peer-reviewed (except Invited Articles). In addition, proofreading by native speaker is essential. Otherwise, we cannot start the peer-review process.

We look forward to your (and your team’s) contribution!

Kaoru Nishimura, Editor-in-chief

[for author] Instructions for Authors (August 30, 2022)