“Building online group dynamics in clinical, training and organisational settings” led by ★ Alejandro Jiliberto Herrera for a successful online meeting.
Since the closure due to Covid, different virtual group methods have been developed.
These methods were formalised and tested within a bereavement programme with healthcare workers in a hospital in Chile. Three groups were developed and both the results and the method were evaluated. Some of the main findings are presented here.
The purpose of the workshop is to introduce the online method, to train with the main tools and to experiment with it.
The contents to be worked on are: factors and tools for demand analysis, building group cohesion, sociometry, participatory communication, integration of the body, emotional and symbolic expression, online training, online therapy, online organisational groups.
26th OCTOBER from 3 to 5 pm CET – via zoom.
The workshop will be in English with facilitation in Spanish.
FREE for IAGP members – with prior registration.
#Registration by https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkdO2prT8sGdG78HCvs3AmTKfMHqLvf_ox#/registration