Dear Friends & Colleagues,

Thank you so much for your support for the 1st on line International Research Symposium on covid 19 of the IAGP.

During these difficult circumstances of the covid19 pandemic the IAGP Research Committee will continue to create and to hope by your contribution.

Let’s come all closer to share together experience and knowledge, to dream about our future and to reflect on the challenges of this crucial and difficult era that we have to face.

The IAGP Research Committee after the 1st and the 2nd International Research Congresses on “Chronic Stress” (Zappeion, Athens, 2014) and “Trauma and Crisis” (Thessaloniki, 2019) is attempting the 1st on line International Research Symposium.

Unfortunately this time we will not be able to be together as persons, but we will stay and remain more than ever closer and connected.

Thank you for your contribution.
With appreciation,

Dr Catherina Mela, MD

Chair of IAGP Research Committee

Chair of the 1st On line Research Symposium on covid 19.

IAGP Vice President.


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If you are unable to pay online, you may make a bank transfer to IAGP’s Swiss bank. More info at [email protected]