Dear President Heloisa, thank you very much for your time for this interview. I know that you are working very hard, and you are very busy with the projects of IAGP. You have completed 1,5 years in your president role, I would like to ask you generally how are you and how do you feel about these years?

I have served IAGP and other organizations in many positions, and when I was elected President, I was aware of all aspects of the role that awaited me: few good moments of joy and satisfaction, as well as challenging and, sometimes, difficult situations. The sense of accomplishment that comes from overcoming these challenges is the most rewarding, especially when planning new projects aligned with the full potential of IAGP.

What is your suggestion or message for young professionals?

Embrace every opportunity for learning and growth, aware that the early stages of your career lay the foundation for the experience you will cultivate throughout your professional life, and actively seek diverse experiences to gain understanding and respect for the sociocultural differences among the individuals and groups you may serve – an essential condition for aligning with diversity, equity, and inclusion principles in your work. Don’t be afraid of challenges because they will always play an important role in your personal and professional development, face them as opportunities for growth. Build a network, both within and outside your field of work, as collaboration often stimulates innovation, maintaining curiosity and commitment to your work because your career is just beginning.

Read the full interview here Coffee Break with President Heloisa Fleury