Forum is IAGP’s annual journal, which presents articles of scientific and professional interest throughout the world of group psychotherapy and group processes.

Forum is distributed free of charge to all IAGP members. The first electronic publication of FORUM was March, 2018.

On the occasion of the departing editor-in-chief, Kaoru Nishimura (Japan) and the acknowledgement of his dedication and efforts in leading the publication of the IAGP scientific journal. We look forward to welcoming Drs. Roberta Mineo (Italy) and Maria Ines Gandolfo (Brazil), our incoming co-editor-in-chiefs, as they embark on their new journey with the publication.


Instructions for Authors

Email contact: [email protected]

FORUM 12 – September 2024

In the next pages, the diversity and enriching complexity that we embrace become evident. One can read about body maps and storytelling by Vieira, Tornelli de Almeida Cunha, and Gandolfo Conceição, an interesting account of how research can fill the gaps in psychodrama literature; and about a treatment for refugees with post-traumatic stress disorder, by Cabrejas and Daverio, that highlights the new horrific challenges that therapists face when working with post-war scenarios. One can read about a dialogue between anthropology and psychology, by Agresta and Menarini, that focuses on the links between ethnic rituals and group imaginary; and one can find an account, by Hofstede, on how multimedia tools can serve sociometric purposes when working in organizations and people’s management. Lastly, one can read about the history of psychodrama in the article by Gershoni, to appreciate how social unconscious underpins philosophical, religious, and mystical concepts of tradition.Let us step confidently into a new chapter, one rich with opportunities for collaboration and groundbreaking discoveries.
As we open this page, envision a future illuminated by our shared dedication to research and scholarship. May this new phase be characterized by a commitment to excellence and a continuous quest for knowledge that enriches both our academic community and the broader society. Together, let us nurture a landscape ripe with innovative ideas, in which intellectual synergy fosters significant breakthroughs. Forward into a chapter in which our cooperation forms the foundation of a legacy marked by creativity, influence, and inspiration.


About the authors
Roberta Mineo is tenured academic at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, serving as chair of the International Relations committee. Teacher of Group Processes & Dynamics and Clinical Psychology. Program chair of the Ph.D. in Reggio Childhood Studies, visiting scholar at NYU Law School. Designer of group conferences, NGOs’ advisor, organizational consultant, and project coordinator at international educational institutions. Chair of Governance and Bylaws at IAGP, Scientific Committee co-chair for Sapporo Congress 2025.
Maria Inês Gandolfo Conceição is a full professor at the Institute of Psychology at the Universidade de Brasilia, a psychodramatist by the Associação Brasiliense de Psicodrama, a board member of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (2023–2025), co-editor of FORUM Journal, and member of the Latin American Network of Spectators against Harassment. Visiting professor at the University of Toronto (Canada), Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), and King’s College (England).

Printed copies of IAGP Forum are located at the publisher Franco Angeli (Milano) for the years 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006: https://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/sommario/146/forum