⚠️ Attention: promotional lot for IAGP members and related professionals.
The 24th Brazilian Psychodrama Congress and the 2nd Latin American Regional IAGP Congress open as *registration for IAGP partners and members & related professionals, with promotional values, in all categories.*
Promotional values:
IAGP professionals: R$542.13;
IAGP and University Students: R$ 305.22;
Other professionals: R$653.18
*Amounts in other currencies will be automatically converted*
But pay attention to the deadline: from *November 23rd to December 23rd, 2023*.

Registration is being done via our website https://www.cbpfebrap.febrap.org.br

We wait for you!

In 2024 we present the 24th edition of the Brazilian Psychodrama Congress and the 2nd edition of the Latin American Regional Congress of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes – IAGP, a space for exchanging experiences between professionals in the field in an interactive and comprehensive way.

This edition based in Belo Horizonte – MG, will feature 4 days of On-Site and VIRTUAL events full of news, from the 11th to the 14th of September 2024 we are waiting for you to reflect on the topic:

What world do we want? Me, you, us!